IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial in Westlake, OH

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What is IPL?

Patients who are concerned about the appearance of dark spots or sun damage in their complexion might be good candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at The Facial Aesthetics Center at Westlake Family Dental Care.  An IPL photofacial is a skin rejuvenation treatment for pigmentation problems on the neck and face. Your provider will use intense pulses of light to ignite the natural healing process and increase collagen production. As the added nutrients take effect, you should see a healthier appearance, an enhanced tone, and less spots. While IPL is not an invasive treatment option, it can be highly effective and can create impressive results for your complexion. Our Westlake, OH team uses the Viora V20 laser to complete IPL skin treatments and can offer you a skin assessment to see if this option can help renew your complexion.

How does an IPL work?

IPL is performed at our Westlake, OH office in about 20 – 30 minutes in our minor procedures room if performed alone. To start the process, your technician will clean and dry your skin before covering your eyes with special shields. The IPLphotofacial is performed using a handheld device that passes over the skin while emitting light energy pulses. While most patients may have some discomfort during the IPLphotofacial, it is generally tolerable for the fast treatment length.


Are IPL photofacials safe?
Yes, IPL photofacials are safe when performed by a trained and experienced professional. At The Facial Aesthetics Center, our team has extensive knowledge and experience in performing IPL treatments to ensure the safety of our patients. We also provide detailed aftercare instructions to minimize any potential side effects.
How long does it take to see results from an IPL treatment?
The results from an IPL treatment can vary for each individual, but most people notice improvements in their complexion within a few weeks. However, optimal results may not be seen until several months after completing a series of IPL photofacials in Westlake, OH. Our personalized treatment plans can help you achieve your desired results.
Are there any side effects of an IPL treatment?
Some patients may experience mild redness, swelling, or bruising after IPL. These side effects usually subside within a short period and can be managed with cold compresses and gentle skincare products. It is important to avoid direct sun exposure and wear sunscreen regularly to protect the treated areas.

Find out more today

You probably didn't think too much about your skin when you were young, but now that skin damage like spots and other irregularities are becoming visible, you now may be interested in treatments that correct your skin. We invite you to learn more about IPL treatments by contacting our Westlake, OH office and scheduling a skin consultation with our team. With IPL photofacial treatments at The Facial Aesthetics Center, we can go deep within the layers of your skin to help bring back a bright glow and a smooth complexion.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.